Cobbs Mill Consulting

Key/Master and Key/101 data entry systems

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Key/Master and Key/101 services

Many organizations have used us to  implement or upgrade Phoenix Software's Key/101 data entry systems, both on Windows and IBM mainframes running VM, VSE or zOS. (Key/101 is an advanced version of Mercator's Key/Master). Whatever your data entry needs, we'll build you a Key/101 system that is responsive, easy to use and will last for many years. We can also help upgrade your Key/Master system from DOS to Key/101 for Windows, move a mainframe system to Windows or move a PC-based system to a mainframe. Best of all, we can train your people to get the full benefit from your system. Successful projects we have completed include an emergency conversion from Nixdorf key-to-disk to Key/101 for Windows - our customer was running production work only 6 hours after we received their call. We have also carried out several conversions from Keyfast to Key/101 in both mainframe and Windows environments. Services we offer include :-

Training courses

- develop & maintain your own Key/101 applications and screen formats including writing EasyLogic scripts

- entering and verifying data

Remote conversion and support

- we can convert your old system or applications to Key/101 remotely! We'll tell you which files and listings to send us and then send you back the files you need and instructions on how to install them. It's really as easy as that!

- need an application changed? Simple! Give us a call, we'll ask you for some files, you email them to us, we update them and send them back to you with installation instructions.


- Windows and mainframe versions including setting up networks of PCs to share data entry and to co-ordinate extraction of data files

Implementation & tailoring

- build applications for data entry - getting screen layouts right

- add extra checks and facilities to speed up your Key/101 data entry systems and to make them more secure

- update your system to comply with new legal requirements or company restructuring

Improve existing systems

- we can improve the look and feel of your existing Key/Master applications to make work flow more quickly, more accurately and more cheaply

- add or modify EasyLogic to your applications to improve accuracy

Conversion from old systems

- we are expert in converting from key-to-disk & key-to-tape systems such as Sperry-Cade and Nixdorf to Key/101 - it can be done more quickly than you probably thought possible and with minimal disruption to day-to-day work. And you finish up with a better system!

- upgrade from other data entry systems such as Keyfast to Key/101

- we can convert your mainframe Key/Master system to a Windows Key/101 system or a combination of both

- upgrade to Key/101 from Key/Master - Key/101 was developed from Key/Master and so there is little to be done to go from one to the other. We can help you make use of the new Key/101 facilities

To find out more about Key/101, click here. Key/Master was developed by TSI who later mutated into Mercator. Key/Master was acquired early in 2004 by Phoenix Software Inc who have re-developed it as Key/101.