SIM-Date - Date and Time Simulation Tool for zOS, OS/390, MVS, VSE
SIM-Date is a comprehensive date & time simulator for OS/390,MVS, and
VSE users. Developed from the highly successful SIM2000 date simulator, SIM-Date
works in both testing and production environments to make it possible to tell
all or part of your workload that the date or time is different from what
the CPU thinks it is.
The need for date and time simulation for both production and testing did
not stop with the run-up to Y2K: neither did it start there. Many data centers
gave themselves the expensive luxury of a separate virtual or real machine
or separate LPARs for Y2K testing but most of those have now disappeared.
A few of the reasons for providing your organization with a date and time
simulator include:-
- Testing for unusual dates - 29th February, month-end falling on a public
holiday Year-end, month end and end of accounting cycle testing
- Testing for unusual times - CICS transactions and batch jobs that run
over midnight
- Production re-runs - ensuring that a job re-run at 7 a.m. gives the same
results as it would if it had run successfully at 9 p.m.
- Production consistency - ensuring that production that runs overnight
doesn't suddenly change date in mid-stream
- Disaster recovery - being able to run last week's work at the same time
as running this week's work
- Transaction synchronization for online systems - display the correct local
date and time on terminals on the other side of the country or the other
side of the world
- If you used "date windowing" as a way to circumvent putting
4 digit dates in your files, you can use SIM-Date to test that your date
window can be advanced when the time comes.
- Not wishing to start a panic but the hardware TOD clock will rollover
to zero just before midnight on September 17th, 2042 - SIM-Date will help
you handle it.
SIM-Date lets you test batch and CICS applications in your normal environment
without disrupting critical production and development work. SIM-Date can
be started and stopped at any time without a system IPL or recycling of CICS
systems. System auditors love it as a way of auditing correct program operation.
SIM-Date Batch
SIM-Date simulation in a batch environment lets you set a date for a specific
partition or region. Every program running in that partition or region will
see the SIM-Date date. SIM-Date batch allows you to set the date for:
- The duration of the executing program (EXEC step)
- The duration of the entire job (JOB)
- Specific or generic job names, program names, userids
- All programs executing in a specific VSE dynamic class
SIM-Date lets you disable or change date simulation at any time.
SIM-Date CICS allows date & time simulation in any active CICS at the
program and transaction level. SIM-Date CICS's menu driven transaction lets
you set up the SIM-Date CICS testing environment. SIM-Date CICS will allow
you to simulate dates and times at the:
Program level (CICS PPT,CICS program)
Transaction level (CICS PCT, CICS transaction/task)
Terminal level (CICS TCT, CICS terminal)
Any combination of the above levels
SIM-Date CICS supports both command and macro level programs, and any programming
language supported by CICS.
SIM-Date STCK Instruction Simulation
SIM-Date STCK instruction simulation lets programs that use the STCK instruction
to obtain the current date and time, to see the "fake" date. It
works in a all batch and online environments.
SIM-Date/DB2 & SIM-Date/IMS
SIM-Date/DB2 lets MVS DB2 users test their DB2 application programs with
a "fake" date. SIM-Date/IMS provides the same services for IMS users.
SIM-Date Program Analyzer
The SIM-Date Program Analyzerlets you identify which executable programs
contain date handling code. The SIM-Date Program Analyzer is a batch program
that analyzes executable programs contained in MVS loadlibs and VSE libraries.
The SIM-Date Program Analyzer will identify the programs that use any or
all of the following date and time facilities:
Store Clock instruction - STCK
Cobol CURRENT-DATE usage
VSE GETIME services
MVS TIME service
SIM-Date is available worldwide from CobbsMill Consulting or in Australia
and New Zealand from Generic Systems
This page and all materials included are copyright ©2000
DPE and Associates and ©2005 Cobbs Mill Consulting. All rights reserved.
This page and all materials included are copyright ©2003 Cobbs Mill
Consulting LLC. All rights reserved.